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Lotne Honey Lemon (Supplementary food for slim)

  • ฿980.00฿490.00

Lotne Honey Lemon (Supplementary food for slim)

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Ex Tax: ฿490.00

Availability: In Stock

Product Code: Pure med

Tags:  Lotne Honey Lemon (Supplementary food for slim)

Drink powder honey lemon flavor

Can mix with cool water

Contain other ingredients for antioxidant slow aging 

InSea2®  reduce absorption of Carbohydrate and sugar to body

Supercitrimax® ช่วยลดความอยากอาหาร 

Applephenon® reduce increasing of fat cell and stimulate elemination of fat cell 

Morosil® Stimulare burning of fat and body metabolism

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